Top 10 Most Famous Shoujo Anime
"Sailor Moon" is one of the most famous shojo anime of all time. It follows the story of a schoolgirl named Usagi Tsukino who discovers that she is actually Sailor Moon, the leader of the Sailor Senshi (Sailor Scouts). The anime follows her and her friends, who are also Sailor Senshi, as they battle against evil forces to protect the earth. The anime explores themes of love, friendship, and courage as the characters develop and mature over time. "Sailor Moon" was first broadcast in Japan in 1992 and has since become a cultural icon, inspiring numerous spin-off anime and manga series. The anime has been dubbed and released in many different languages, making it accessible to audiences around the world.
"Cardcaptor Sakura" is a popular shojo anime that was first released in 1998 and has since become a classic in the genre. It follows the story of a young girl named Sakura who discovers a mysterious set of cards with magical powers. When she accidentally releases the cards into the world, she must work with the guardian of the cards, Keroberos, to collect and seal them all. Along the way, she meets new friends and learns valuable lessons about love, friendship, and courage. With its charming characters, imaginative storyline, and imaginative magical elements, "Cardcaptor Sakura" is a beloved shojo anime that continues to captivate audiences of all ages.
"Fruits Basket" is a popular shojo anime and manga series. It is a remake of the original 2001 anime and based on the manga series by Natsuki Takaya. The story follows high school student Tohru Honda, who, after losing her mother, begins living with the wealthy and mysterious Sohma family, only to discover that they are cursed by the spirit of the zodiac. Tohru begins to befriend the family members, including Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure, who are each possessed by a spirit of the Chinese zodiac, and finds herself caught in their supernatural world. Throughout the series, Tohru learns about the Sohma family's curse and their attempts to break it, while navigating her own feelings for Yuki and Kyo. The series is known for its heartwarming themes of love, family, and acceptance, and its intricate exploration of the characters' relationships and emotions. With its charming characters, touching story, and stunning animation, "Fruits Basket" remains one of the most beloved shojo anime of all time.
Ouran High School Host Club is a shojo anime series based on the manga of the same name by Bisco Hatori. It follows the story of a high school student named Haruhi Fujioka who stumbles upon the Ouran High School Host Club, an elite group of male students who entertain female clients. When Haruhi accidentally breaks an expensive vase belonging to the Host Club, she is forced to work as a member to pay off her debt. As she gets to know the members, including the charming and effeminate Tamaki Suoh, the quiet and reserved Kyoya Ootori, and the mischievous twins Hikaru and Kaoru, Haruhi begins to understand the importance of true friendship and the beauty of individuality. With its unique and entertaining characters, Ouran High School Host Club is a standout example of the shojo anime genre and remains a beloved classic among fans.
"Kaichou wa Maid-sama!" is a popular shojo anime that originally aired from April 2010 to September 2010. The anime is based on the manga series of the same name by Hiro Fujiwara and follows the story of a student council president, Misaki Ayuzawa, who also works as a maid at a maid café to help support her family. When a popular male student, Usui Takumi, discovers her secret, he decides to help keep it a secret in exchange for her assistance in his own endeavors. The anime has received critical acclaim for its portrayal of strong female characters and its comedic elements, and it has become a popular title among fans of shojo anime. The anime's strong character development and well-paced storytelling have made it a timeless classic that continues to be enjoyed by fans of the genre to this day.
"Kimi ni Todoke" is a romantic shoujo anime series based on the manga of the same name by Karuho Shiina. The anime is about Sawako Kuronuma, a shy and misunderstood high school student who is often compared to the ghost from the horror movie "The Ring." Despite her reputation, Sawako's life changes when she befriends the popular and cheerful Shota Kazehaya. The two begin a slow-burning romance, as Sawako tries to overcome her insecurities and find her place in the world. With its charming characters, touching moments, and heartwarming romance, "Kimi ni Todoke" is a touching and uplifting series that's sure to win the hearts of shoujo fans.
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun (My Little Monster) is a shojo anime series that was originally a manga written by Robico. The story follows the life of a high school student named Shizuku Mizutani, who is known for being smart and distant. One day, she is tasked with delivering some class materials to Haru Yoshida, a wild and unpredictable student who has been suspended from school. Over time, the two start to develop feelings for each other and navigate the challenges of a blossoming relationship. The series is known for its charming characters, witty humor, and heartwarming moments. Shizuku and Haru's relationship is both sweet and comedic, making for an enjoyable watch. With its relatable themes of self-discovery, relationships, and growth, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun is a must-watch for any shojo anime fan.
Ao Haru Ride, also known as Blue Spring Ride, is a shoujo anime and manga series created by Io Sakisaka. The series follows a high school student named Futaba Yoshioka, who has just transferred to a new school after experiencing a heart-breaking relationship in middle school. At her new school, she meets a boy named Kou Mabuchi, who she recognizes as her childhood friend, who she had a crush on. The series revolves around the two of them as they navigate the ups and downs of high school and their relationship with each other. Ao Haru Ride is a coming-of-age story that explores themes of love, friendship, and growing up. The anime was well received by audiences for its relatable characters and emotional storytelling.
"Paradise Kiss" is a shoujo anime series based on the manga of the same name by Ai Yazawa. The series revolves around the story of a high school student named Yukari Hayasaka who is bored with her mundane life and feels unfulfilled. One day, she meets a group of eccentric fashion students who invite her to become a model for their designs in an upcoming fashion show. Under their tutelage, Yukari begins to explore her individuality and creativity, leading to a journey of self-discovery. Along the way, she develops feelings for the group's charismatic leader, George Koizumi, and must navigate the challenges that come with their relationship. The anime highlights themes of self-expression, fashion, and young love. It is a stylish, romantic, and heartwarming tale that will appeal to fans of shoujo anime and manga.
"Orange" is a shoujo anime that was first released in 2016. It is based on the manga series of the same name, written by Ichigo Takano. The anime follows a high school student named Naho Takamiya, who receives a letter from her future self that instructs her to save her new friend, Kakeru Naruse, from a tragic fate. The letter details Naho's regret over not being able to save Kakeru in her own timeline and encourages her to take a different approach in this timeline. As Naho tries to save Kakeru, she discovers that changing the future is more complicated than she thought, and she must navigate her own emotions and the conflicting opinions of her friends to make the right choices. The anime explores themes of love, loss, and the power of the choices we make. With its intricate plot and well-developed characters, "Orange" is a thought-provoking and emotionally impactful shojo anime that captivates its viewers from start to finish.