About this Blog

"You Should Enjoy The Little Detours To The Fullest. Because That's Where You'll Find The Things More Important Than What You Want." — Ging Freecss.

 This quote from Hunter x Hunter perfectly captures the essence of my blog, which is all about embracing the unexpected journeys and discoveries in the world of anime. From reviews, information, opinions, thoughts, anime movies, to related stuff like music, I aim to take you on a journey through the fascinating and captivating world of anime. 

As a passionate anime fan, I believe that it's the little detours, the unexpected twists and turns, that make the journey through this world all the more enriching and fulfilling. That's why I strive to bring you an immersive and enjoyable experience as you explore the diverse array of anime and all its related content through my blog. 

So join me on this journey, and let's enjoy the little detours to the fullest as we delve into the world of anime together!

Who am I? 

I'm Shirley from the Dark Continent, a Female 
I don't read Manga 
Favorite anime: Hunter x Hunter and One piece 
Favorite genre: Anything that involves a long journey or an adventure. I love to get attached to the characters and enjoy with them the little detours to the fullest. I love Shounen overall and I find myself often preferring  Action and Fantasy. 
 I have a love for a variety of anime.  Seriously, I basically watch everything:  something light, comedy, shoujo, mystery, sport, and the list goes on. 

There are  several popular anime that I haven't watched yet

I tend to have some controversial opinions (I dislike some popular animes) 
I don't consider myself an otaku. I'm not interested in knowing everything about anime. I just enjoy watching anime and it's a part of my entertainment, but I don't let it consume my life.

My favorite Anime Characters: many but I will just mention my babies. Shanks from one piece reigns at the top. he's basically my man lol. 
From one piece: I love them all but of course the trio  Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
From Hunter x Hunter: I  love them all as well, the trio  Gon, Killua, Kurapika
I also love Kyou from Fruits Baskets and Akashi from Kuroku no Basket 

If you want to contact me, you can send me an email: animuffy21@gmail.com



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